Custom Scales Applications

Arlyn Scales actively seeks new applications that require any aspect of weighing, batching, mixing, instrumentation, controlling, recording and reporting. We help design, test and manufacture a wide range of OEM and specialized technologies for incorporation into a variety of customized equipment. Specialty and Custom Weighing Sensors, Load Cells and Ultra Precision Sensors Load cells are … Continued

Design Ideas for Customizable High Precision Laboratory Scales

Highly precise scales are normally designed around what the technology can do, but what if you need more? You can look around at the most common scale technologies and hope to find the right combination of capacity and accuracy that you need, or you can start to limit your requirements to suit the designs of … Continued

Material Handling Scales Made in the USA

Imagine a world where people have good-paying jobs that they hold for many years until retirement. Younger people in this world want to learn useful trades that they will hang onto for life. The manufacturing, mining and agricultural sectors are strong, which means companies are willing to keep jobs close to home. This doesn’t have … Continued

Industrial Pallet Scales For Warehouses

Palletized shipping has radically altered the way that products are moved and stored. Warehouses of all sizes now need industrial pallet scales because even those who weren’t working with pallets in the past have now found themselves receiving shipments in this way. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before investing in … Continued

Industrial Scales For Sustainable Manufacturing

Just by existing, humans tend to pollute. However, we can all choose to do things in a more bio-friendly manner, especially manufacturers. Arlyn Scales manufactures and does all of the subassembly in-house in Long Island, New York, making it easier for us to control processes and reduce pollution.   Importantly, we’ve chosen environmentally-friendly buildings and … Continued

Pharmacy Scale: Precision Weighing Equipment for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Weighing medicines and solutions in a pharmaceutical environment is a whole different ballgame from most applications. Precision measurements of minute amounts, such as grams and milliliters, are not just a luxury but a life-saving necessity. As a pharmacist, if you mix your intravenous (IV) solution improperly, your patient’s blood cells can burst, or contrarily, the … Continued

Counting Scales Used in Postal and Bulk Mailing Operations

There are a few things that have not changed despite the digital boom that has changed the face of business. One of these things is paper mailers. Politicians and real estate agents still often like to use these mailers to get their message out. The sheer bulk of the mailers you need means that the best … Continued

Counting Scales Designed for Durability and Accuracy

There are a few things that have not changed despite the digital boom that has changed the face of business. One of these things is paper mailers. Politicians and real estate agents still often like to use these mailers to get their message out. The sheer bulk of the mailers you need means that the … Continued

How an Advanced Weighing System Can Increase Revenue

Precise weight measurements play an important role in increasing revenue by decreasing the money lost due to manufacturing failures and inefficiency. This is particularly true of paint, chemical, and drug manufacturers, who know all too well that failure to add a proper amount of a given substance can render a large quantity of product completely … Continued

Ultra Precision Scales Uses: 3 Real-Life Applications

It isn’t difficult to find suitable weighing equipment today. The accuracy delivered by common strain gauge scales is usually good enough for a wide range of weighing applications; however, if you require extreme precision and accuracy, then a strain gauge scale may not deliver the kind of results you want. Fortunately, Arlyn Scales’ Ultra Precision … Continued