How Arlyn Scales Designs, Develops and Produces Rugged Industrial Grade Load Cells

Every time an object is placed on a scale platform to be weighed the scale must be able to accurately measure the weight of the object and communicate the weight reading to the scale’s indicator—where the weight reading can be viewed. How scales manage to measure the weight of objects and communicate weight readings to … Continued

How Scales Are Used in the Waste Industry

  Waste management companies and recycling facilities use industrial scales to keep track of large amounts of garbage and other items collected. Such organizations frequently charge clients based on the weight of waste gathered; therefore, accurate weight readings are necessary to ensure customers are billed correctly. Waste management companies often collect hazardous waste. For example, … Continued

Scale Accuracy and Platform Size: How to Customize an Industrial Scale to Fit Your Needs

Platform scales are arguably the most used scale style within industrial settings: recycling plants use platform scales to weigh the input and output of various materials; laundry services use platform scales to determine the prices of clothing bundles; and airports use platform scales to measure luggage in order to uphold weight guidelines. Clearly, platform scalesContinued

How Arlyn Scales Can Develop a Custom Weighing Solution for Your Company

Arlyn Scales is a leader in design and development of technology within the weighing industry, and has been for over 30 years. Headquartered in Long Island, New York, Arlyn Scales designs and manufactures a collection of high quality, long-lasting industrial scales, which includes: floor scales, bench scales, platform scales, drum scales, and more. Arlyn ScalesContinued

How Arlyn Scales Software Downloads Increase Scale Functionability

  Arlyn Scales has been a recognized leader of industrial-scale design and technology for more than 30 years. Our company manufactures a diverse selection of weighing devices suitable for a range of industries and purposes. And customers have the opportunity to choose from a mixture of scale options and customizations. Arlyn Scales’ collection of weighing … Continued

Arlyn Scales Wheelchair Scales for Nursing Homes: What to Know

Nursing home staffs are frequently required to obtain the weight measurements of patients for a number of reasons. Caregivers need to know that patients are maintaining a healthy weight, and it is important to know if patients are gaining or losing weight too quickly. Weight can reveal various health issues. For example, weight might indicate … Continued

Which is a Better Scale for Your Industry: Stainless Steel or Aluminum?

Consumers are often required to choose the construction material used to build an industrial scale before purchasing it. Material options typically include aluminum, steel, and stainless steel. Each material has certain benefits the other materials may or may not have. For example, aluminum is lightweight and cheaper than steel; however, steel is more durable than … Continued

Arlyn Scales and Accuracy Over Time: What to Know

Companies across a vast multitude of industries utilize industrial scales. Common uses for industrial scales include using them to help keep track of inventory and weighing items before sending, or after receiving, shipment. There are a number of highly regarded weighing technologies available to consumers today; however, the accuracy of the results they produce can … Continued

Quality Control at Arlyn Scales: How We Test Our Scales to Ensure Accuracy

Arlyn Scales is a leader in design and manufacturing of high quality, long lasting industrial scales. Our company offers consumers a wide selection of industrial scales suitable for a variety of purposes and environments. Many of our scales utilize our own-patented technology, Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) technology, which is the latest breakthrough in scale technology … Continued

How Arlyn Scales Are Used in a University

  Many university laboratory and classroom settings require the presence of weighing devices capable of measuring a variety of objects and types of substances. In university-level physics classes, for example, students are oftentimes tasked with determining the exact measurement of weight or mass pertaining to various objects. And in university-level chemistry courses, students and professors … Continued