Small Animal Weigh Scales for Vet Offices

Veterinarians use scales to weigh small to medium sized animals including kittens and puppies along with more exotic species like birds and reptiles. We offers veterinary scales for animals and pets ranging from the smallest birds to horses and other livestock. The general types of veterinary scales are: Floor scales – These are low profile scalesContinued

Small Livestock Scales For Sale

In the agricultural field, there are many uses for small livestock scales. Different types of scales are needed to weight different sizes of livestock. One of the main problems with a livestock scale can arise from how to get the animal on the scale and then how to keep them there. Another problem can arise … Continued

Small Scale for Weighing Less Than A Pound

When we think of industrial scales, we often think of large platform scales with very high capacities that weigh large masses of ingredients and products in the industrial process. However, oftentimes, it just is as important to weigh the tiniest components that may weigh much less than a pound, and it is necessary to have … Continued

Stainless Steel Construction to Avoid Damage to Industrial Scales

Electronic measuring instruments are designed to provide very accurate results. For industrial applications, there are instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, voltage and current, color, light levels, sound frequency and amplitude, velocity, and a very wide variety of other values. One of the most common applications is for electronic scales to accurately measure weight. There are … Continued

Industrial Stainless Steel Scales

Scales have always been an important piece of equipment to accurately measure the weight of things. Many consumers may have scales in their homes to track their own weight. However, scales also play a very important part in various types of industries. Scales are considered vital in many different types of businesses. There are various … Continued

State of the Art Electronic Platform Scales

While technology has seen great advances over the last sixty or so years, it is only recently that these advances have shifted into the industrial realm of scales. Prior to these advances, industries whose operations required weight measurements had to choose between the two standard types of scale technology — strain gage and magnetic force … Continued

State of the Art High Accuracy Scales

We live in a society that is governed by change. “The only constant is change,” a quote by Heraclitus in 500 B.C.E., applies to this day and age as much as it did 1500 years earlier. Good decisions take into account the direction the world is headed. This axiom is clear in the directives of … Continued