Digital Weight Indicators with a User Management System

As companies search for more data and automation in their processes, naturally you seek reporting functions and controls similar to project management software. At Arlyn Scales we’ve upgraded our user management system in the UpScale Indicator so that you can view which of your employees was completing a task, and when. At Arlyn Scales we’re … Continued

Weighing Chemical Drums: 5 Efficiency Tips

There are countless business sectors that rely upon – as part of their processes – the weighing of drums and their contents. This may be to ascertain the volume of the contents held within, or the gross or net weightceh Typically, drums are used to hold liquids (especially when dealing with chemicals), and the weighing … Continued

Programmable Weight Indicator With Touchscreen

When you are organizing your industrial weighing functions, it is important to take small details like your  display system into account. You would be amazed at how much more efficient the right display system can make your operation, and how much the wrong one can slow it down. Imagine a factory, farmyard,  shipping station, chemical production … Continued